About Safe Zones
The Safe Zones Program at Santa Fe Public Schools (SFPS) is a district-wide program designed to create more welcoming, inclusive, and affirming environments by identifying and training staff to provide extra support for students dealing with bullying, harassment, discrimination, bias, or other issues.
While Safe Zones is intended to be a support network for every student, it is especially aimed at supporting those students most often marginalized: those who are LGBTQ+, a person of color, undocumented, pregnant/parenting, of any body size, of any income level, have a disability, experience housing instability, or are targeted for any other reason.
Safe Zones Partners are a network of trained, committed, and non-judgmental counselors, nurses, and volunteer teachers and staff at K-12 Santa Fe schools. The Safe Zones Program is open to SFPS and surrounding area public, charter, and private schools, as well as individuals at youth-serving community organizations.
Jenn Jevertson, MS, CTAS
Assistant Director
SFPS Office of Student Wellness