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Santa Fe Public Schools
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Getting Started as a SFPS Volunteer
Frequently Asked Questions About Completing the SFPS Application Process
How does the process differ for applicants under the age of 18?
What are the important points to know or keep in mind when completing the online application?
Why are background checks necessary?
What if a background check has been completed for another organization?
How to complete the required Federal fingerprint supported background check?
How to look up, reschedule or cancel an existing fingerprint appointment?
What should be expected after being fingerprinted?
What does it mean if fingerprints are rejected?
For how long is the Federal fingerprint supported background check valid?
How to request a copy of the background check report?
What are the final steps to receive volunteer approval?
What does the online volunteer training involve?
How do volunteers get placed into a suitable assignment?
What are the requirements to maintain an active volunteer status?
How does the process differ for SFPS volunteer athletic coach applicants?