Santa Fe Public Schools commits to all stakeholders to provide fair, accurate, specific, and timely information regarding student progress toward common essential standards as well as feedback for next steps and growth areas. Grades communicate what students know and are able to do.
Fair: The same work by the same student should receive the same grade, even if the teacher is different.
Accurate: Grades are based solely on achievement, which means other factors like behavior and attendance are not used to calculate a grade. However, each student will receive feedback in Powerschool on work habits and life-long learning skills.
Specific: Grading policies are clear so that students know how they will be assessed and how their grade will be determined.
Timely: Feedback to students is timely so that students can apply that feedback right away and improve their performance on assessments.
Adapted from Elements of Grading: A Guide to Effective Practice (2010) Dr. Douglas Reeves