School Nursing and Health Services

Your School Nurse in Action!

Your registered school nurse is a leader in the school community to oversee school health policies and programs. In addition to delivering direct health services to students and facilitating communication between the student(s), families, medical providers, and the community at large; your school nurse and/or supporting nursing staff (nurse aides) provide the following:

  • Hearing and Vision Screenings

  • Immunization compliance work and immunization clinics 

  • Classes on hand hygiene, dental health, and reproductive health (grade level dependent)

  • Coordination of 504 Accommodation Plans as needed

  • Development of Individual Healthcare Plans as needed

  • Guidance on school safety policies

  • Management of chronic medical conditions

If your child has a chronic medical condition, please be aware that the school nurse will need current provider’s orders (updated annually) from your child’s medical provider if they will require medication or medical procedures while at school.

2023 nursing staff photo

SFPS 2023 School Nurses

Keeping Students Healthy

It is the parent or guardian's responsibility to notify your school nurse directly about any medical conditions or changes in medical status experienced by your child. Because we care, we want all students to be in school and to be healthy too!  Studies show that children who practice good health habits experience fewer sick days. The American Academy of Pediatrics recommends an annual well-child visit with a medical provider for all school aged young people. If you are uninsured or do not have a medical provider, please contact your child’s school nurse for a list of pediatric providers in the Santa Fe area.

Some ways to keep your children healthy are to encourage: 

  • Regular hand washing

  • Covering coughs and sneezes with elbows

  • Plenty of sleep

  • Daily physical activity

  • Nutritious food, especially fruits and vegetables

When to Stay Home
It is sometimes hard to know if a child is too sick to attend school. Some of the decision to send your child to school or not depends on your child’s energy level and ability to participate. Students with mild cold-like symptoms (congestion, sore throat, or cough), without fever, can usually attend school.

Bringing a child to school with any of the symptoms below puts others at risk of getting sick. Children with the following should stay home:

  • Fever of 100 degrees or higher

  • Active vomiting or diarrhea due to illness

  • Rash

  • When advised to stay home by a pediatrician

If your child presents to school with any of the above symptoms, or they are too sick to participate in class, they will be sent home. Pick-up is required within 30 minutes of receiving a call about a student who needs to go home due to illness or injury.  If you need help deciding if your child is too sick to attend school, please contact your school nurse - they are there to help!

When to Return to School

  • Students with fever should not return to school until the fever has been gone for 24 hours, without the use of fever reducing medication.

  • Students who have been vomiting or have had diarrhea should stay home until their symptoms have resolved, they are feeling better, and they are eating and drinking normally.

  • Students with a rash must present a note from a healthcare provider in order to return to school.

Keep Your Information Current
If your child becomes ill at school, or is injured, we will need to contact a parent.  We ask that you please inform the school any time there is a change in your phone number and/or emergency contacts. In addition, you must speak to your school nurse directly about all medical conditions or changes in your child’s health status.

Teen Health Centers

  • Located at both CHS and SFHS

    • Capital HS: 505-467-1081

    • Santa Fe HS: 505-467-2439

  • Serves all students 12-19 years of age

  • Free and confidential services

  • Behavioral Health Counseling Services 

  • Primary Health Care

NMPED Healthy Schools image

Myrna Barbee-Lee, BSN, RN, NCSN
Lead Nurse
Office of Student Wellness