SFPS Adelante Program


Spring Break - Call 505-469-7155 for Assistance

The SFPS Adelante Program supports the academic success and well-being of children and youth in Santa Fe who are experiencing homelessness or housing instability.

Founded in 2003, Adelante identifies and assists approximately 1,100 youth annually, under the McKinney-Vento Homeless Assistance Act. Our bilingual, culturally competent team works closely with families to meet their immediate needs - academic, medical, housing, and social services - while also helping students build a strong educational foundation for long-term success.

Education is key to breaking the cycle of homelessness. That’s why Adelante advocates for students and families - collaborating with schools, service agencies, and the wider community - to remove barriers and create opportunities for success. We also work at the local and national levels to promote policies geared toward ending child homelessness.

❤️ Need Assistance?

Use the link below to fill out a contact form for yourself or your child, and an Adelante team member will reach out.

If you’re a school team member or community member, use the link below to refer a student.

📞 For assistance in English, call (505) 467-2524

📞 Para asistencia en español, llame al (505) 467-2555

Who Qualifies for Adelante Services?

Under the McKinney-Vento Act, any student without a fixed, regular, and adequate nighttime residence qualifies for support. This includes students:

  • Sharing housing due to economic hardship or loss of a home ("doubled-up" living situations).

  • Living without a parent or legal guardian (staying with grandparents, other relatives, or independently).

  • Staying in motels, hotels, RV parks, or campgrounds due to lack of other housing.

  • Residing in shelters, garages, cars, parks, abandoned buildings, or substandard housing (including homes without utilities).

📌 Legal Reference: 42 USC §11434a(2)

What Services are Available?

Adelante offers a wide range of support to students and families, including:
School Enrollment Support – Assistance with records, transportation, and paperwork.
School Supplies & Clothing – Backpacks, notebooks, coats, shoes, and hygiene items.
Weekly Food Distribution – Nutritious groceries for students and families.
Transportation Assistance – Ensuring students can attend school consistently.
Health & Wellness Referrals – Help accessing medical, dental, mental health, housing, and substance abuse services.
Academic Success SupportCase management, tutoring resources, and attendance support.
Emergency Housing Assistance – Possible help with rental and utility arrears (past-due rent or bills) based on funding availability.

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