Attendance for Success Act (2019)
Provides guidance for prevention and early intervention for chronic absenteeism.
Chronic Absenteeism: A student who has been absent for 10% or more of class/school day for any reason, whether excused or unexcused, when enrolled for more than 10 days.
Tiered system of support
Required school site Attendance Team.
Attendance letters:Attention 2 Attendance (A2A)

Attendance Coaches
Jacqueline Espinoza-Vargas
Attendance Coach -
(505)469-5839 (cell) (505)467-1502 (desk)
Schools served:
Acequia Madre
Carlos Gilbert
Wood Gormley
Primary office located at Aspen Community School
Bernadette Mares, LMSW
Social Services Coordinator -
Oversees Safety Net
(505)469-1723 (cell) (505)467-3230 (desk)
Schools served:
Amy Biehl
Cesar Chavez (primary office)
E.J. Martinez
Nye Early Learning
Oscar Chavez
Attendance Coach -
(505)469-1692 (cell) (505)467- 2413 (desk)
Schools served:
Desert Sage Academy (DSA)
Early College Opportunities (ECO)
Mandela Magnet International (MIMS)
Santa Fe High school (SFHS) (primary office)
Kendrick Nichols
Attendance Coach -
(505)469-0061 (cell) (505)467 2373 (desk)
Schools Served:
Gonzales Community School
Nina Otero Community School
Ortiz Middle School (primary office)
Ramirez Thomas Elementary School
Sweeney Elementary School
Evelyn Leger
Attendance Coach -
(505) 946-8243 (cell) (505)-467-3306 (desk)
Schools served:
Capital High School
El Dorado
Kearny Elementary School
Milagro Middle School (primary office)
Vicente Avila-Miramontes, LMSW
Attendance Coach -
(505)795-4440 (cell) (505)467-4407 (desk)
Schools served:
Atalaya Elementary School (primary office)
Aspen Community School
El Camino Real
City of Santa Fe - transportation routes:
NM Public Education Department- Parent Resources:
Attendance works:
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