SFPS Early Childhood Center



Our mission is to create an early care and education program that promotes child well-being, family participation, and a work-related resource for district employees.

The Beliefs that Guide our Teaching and Learning Relationship

  • Children

    • Children are competent and capable learners.

    • Children learn and represent their understanding of life and the world around them in multiple ways.

    • Children learn best when curriculum and program experiences reflect their strengths and interests.

  • Teachers

    • Teachers have the right to be actively engaged in the decisions and direction of their school.

  • Families

    • Families have the right to be actively engaged in their children’s education and are considered partners with teachers.

  • Curriculum

    • Authentic learning occurs when identity, culture, and community are valued and become vehicles for learning.

    • All adults and children are researchers as they investigate, interpret and construct understanding.

    • It is important to provide time to build relationships and deepen learning.

    • Collaboration is essential for respectful and productive learning to take place.

  • Learning Environment

    • A thoughtfully-designed, welcoming environment communicates respect for children, families, and teachers.

    • Intentional learning environments promote wonder and learning, auto control, and independence.

    • It makes children’s learning visible.

Who is Eligible?

Children of full-time district employees who are 12 months to 3 years old by August 31.

Seventy percent of the seats available will be offered to instructional staff.

Seats available and ratios:

12 months - 24 months - 10 seats; 6:1 child-to-adult ratio

24 months - 36 months- 14 seats; 8:1 child-to-adult ratio

36 months - 16 seats; 8:1 child to adult ratio

Due to limited capacity, only families seeking 5-days of care will be eligible. Before and aftercare are optional.



Ramirez Thomas Elementary- Early Childhood

3200 Calle Po Ae Pi, Santa Fe, NM 87507

(505 ) 467-3000

Athena and Patterson

Hours of Operation

Monday - Friday; open from 7:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.

7:30 a.m. to 8:00 a.m. - Before care

8:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m.- Core hrs.

3:00 p.m. - 3:30 p.m. pick up hrs.

3:30 p.m. to 4:15 p.m. - Aftercare

*Follow the 9-month contract calendar*


  • SY26 Lottery window : January 6 - March 30th

  • Employees will be notified no later than April 10.



About the Lottery

Seats are limited and offered through a lottery. Employees must apply during the lottery window.

  • All applications received during the established lottery deadlines will participate in the lottery.

  • The lottery process ranks the applications received within the established deadline according to the priorities listed below. 

  1. Having a sibling attending the center. 

  2. Full-time teachers and educational assistants work directly in the classroom.  Seventy percent of the seats will be allocated to teachers and educational assistants. 

  3. All other SFPS staff.

  • Late applications will be placed on the waitlist in the order in which their applications are received.

  • Priorities will not be considered after the lottery period. 

  • All applicants will receive an email after the lottery is run. This will be sent to the email

    address provided

    in the application. The parent/ guardian must send an email accepting or declining the seat within ten calendar days. A failure to reply, for any reason, will result in the forfeiture of their seat.  It is the family's responsibility to check their email, including the spam folder.



  • $150 a month for educational support professionals

  • $250 a month for teachers, administrators, and district staff

There is additional cost for aftercare (3:30 to 4:30)

For more information, contact Patricia Azuara, Early Childhood Center Director, at pazuara@sfps.k12.nm.us