School Counseling
Thank you to all of our amazing SFPS School Counselors!!!
Who are School Counselors?
School counselors are certified/licensed educators who improve student success for ALL students by implementing a comprehensive school counseling program.
School counselors help all students:
apply academic achievement strategies
manage emotions and apply interpersonal skills
plan for postsecondary options (higher education, military, work force)
The School Counselor’s Role
School counselors design and deliver school counseling programs that improve student outcomes. They lead, advocate and collaborate to promote equity and access for all students by connecting their school counseling program to the school’s academic mission and school improvement plan. They uphold the ethical and professional standards promote the development of the school counseling program at their school.
School counselors collaborate with teachers, administrators, parents and community members to ensure that all students develop the academic, personal, social-emotional, and career skills necessary to graduate from high school to be college or career ready and to achieve their greatest potential as members of our local and global community.
School Counseling Philosophy
We Believe...
Every student has the potential to learn and deserves equal opportunity to learn in a school which promotes problem-solving and decision-making
Each student has unique needs and learning styles
All students deserve to understand the relevancy of their education
All students deserve support and guidance in developing their goals for success
Every student’s family deserves to be met without judgment
All students can develop the attitudes, knowledge and skills needed to succeed in life
Every student deserves a safe and healthy school culture in which their diversity is respected and their voices are heard
Educational reform is a continuous, ongoing and necessary creative process
All educators are responsible for creating positive educational reform
And that the School Counseling Program . . .
Reaches every student and advocates for all students
Is proactive and comprehensive in scope, preventative in design and developmental in nature
Is an integral part of a total educational program for student success
Selects and addresses measurable student competencies in the academic, career and personal/social domains
Has a delivery system that includes: school guidance curriculum, individual planning, responsive services (interventions) and whole-system support
Is implemented by licensed school counselors and conducted in collaboration with members of the school community
Uses data to monitor student progress, guide program decisions, and seek improvement each year
Measures both process and outcome results and shares these results with the school community
School Based Behavioral Health
While school counselors are not therapists in the schools, SFPS has partnered with local agencies to offer school based behavioral health services that school counselors can refer students to. Read more here.
Sue O'Brien
Executive Director
Office of Student Wellness
Jenn Jevertson
Assistant Director
Office of Student Wellness
Office of Student Wellness
BF Young Professional Building - Annex
1300 Camino Sierra Vista, Santa Fe, NM 87505